* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/4.4/DiSCos.Rcheck' * using R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24 ucrt) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 * R was compiled by gcc.exe (GCC) 13.2.0 GNU Fortran (GCC) 13.2.0 * running under: Windows Server 2022 x64 (build 20348) * using session charset: UTF-8 * checking for file 'DiSCos/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'DiSCos' version '0.1.0' * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'DiSCos' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking 'build' directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... [2s] OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [1s] OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... [1s] OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [1s] OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... [2s] OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... [1s] OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [5s] OK * checking Rd files ... [2s] OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of 'data' directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... [1s] OK * checking LazyData ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking installed files from 'inst/doc' ... OK * checking files in 'vignettes' ... OK * checking examples ... NONE * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... [219s] ERROR Running 'testthat.R' [218s] Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed. Complete output: > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html > > library(testthat) > library(DiSCos) Loading required package: data.table Loading required package: ggplot2 > > options(datatable.auto.thread = 1) # Limit data.table to 1 thread > Sys.setenv(OMP_NUM_THREADS = 1) # limit environment to 1 thread > > test_check("DiSCos") Warning: in parln3(lmom, ...): L-skew is negative, try reversing the data Y <- -X, to avoid a log(<0) error -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parln3 -> warning -> parln3(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter BETA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parln3(lmom, ...): L-skew is negative, try reversing the data Y <- -X, to avoid a log(<0) error -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parln3 -> warning -> parln3(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter BETA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter BETA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parln3(lmom, ...): L-skew is negative, try reversing the data Y <- -X, to avoid a log(<0) error -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parln3 -> warning -> parln3(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.parsmd.valid(z, nowarn = TRUE): Parameter A is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parsmd -> are.parsmd.valid -> warning -> are.parsmd.valid(z, nowarn = TRUE) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parln3(lmom, ...): L-skew is negative, try reversing the data Y <- -X, to avoid a log(<0) error -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parln3 -> warning -> parln3(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter BETA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) Warning: in are.pargam.valid(z): Parameter ALPHA is not > 0, invalid -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> are.pargam.valid -> warning -> are.pargam.valid(z) Warning: in pargam(lmom, ...): Parameters can not be computed likely because L1 <= L2 or L2 <= 0 -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> pargam -> warning -> pargam(lmom, ...) Warning: in parrice(lmom, ...): LCV too small (<0.0236) for Rice as implemented -- tryStack sys.calls: test_check -> test_dir -> test_files -> test_files_serial -> with_reporter -> lapply -> FUN -> source_file -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> test_that -> test_code -> tryCatchOne -> tryCatchList -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> eval -> expect_no_error -> expect_no_ -> quasi_capture -> .capture -> try_fetch -> withCallingHandlers -> eval_bare -> DiSCo -> mclapply.hack -> lapply -> FUN -> myQuant -> extremeStat::distLquantile -> distLfit -> lapply -> FUN -> tryStack -> lmomco::lmom2par -> parrice -> warning -> parrice(lmom, ...) * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [1s] ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: During startup - Warning messages: 1: package 'utils' in options("defaultPackages") was not found 2: In .getClassesFromCache(Class) : restarting interrupted promise evaluation --- re-building 'Dube2019.Rmd' using rmarkdown Error: processing vignette 'Dube2019.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: object '#HAS_DUPLICATE_CLASS_NAMES' not found --- failed re-building 'Dube2019.Rmd' SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: 'Dube2019.Rmd' Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted * checking PDF version of manual ... [11s] OK * checking HTML version of manual ... [5s] OK * DONE Status: 2 ERRORs