
Formatting Tools for R Markdown Documents

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Provides a small set of tools for formatting tasks when creating documents in R Markdown or Quarto Markdown. Convert the elements of a numerical vector to character strings in one of several forms: powers-of-ten notation in engineering or scientific form delimited for rendering as inline equations; integer or decimal notation delimited for equation rendering; numbers with measurement units (non-delimited) where units are selected to eliminate the need for powers-of-ten or scientific notation. Useful for rendering a numerical scalar in an inline R code chunk as well as formatting columns of data frames displayed in a table.


In professional technical prose, large and small numbers are generally typeset using powers of ten notation. For example, Plank’s constant would be typeset as \(6.626 \times 10^{-34}\) J/Hz rather than the familiar forms we use in communicating with computers, such as 6.626*10^34 or 6.626E-34.

The functions in this package help an author convert large and small numbers to character strings, formatted using powers-of-ten notation (and other formats) suitable for use in technical writing or presentations.

Formatting tools include:

Convert the elements of a numerical vector to character strings in which the numbers are formatted using powers-of-ten notation in scientific or engineering form and delimited for rendering as inline equations in .Rmd or .qmd markdown files.

Similar to above, but as integers or decimals

Format a vector of numbers as character strings with measurement units appended via the ‘units’ package.


# Packages

Scalar values.   Typically rendered inline:

x <- 101300

# Scientific notation, math delimited
format_power(x, digits = 4, format = "sci")
#> [1] "$1.013 \\times 10^{5}$"

# Engineering notation, math-delimited
format_power(x, digits = 4, format = "engr")
#> [1] "$101.3 \\times 10^{3}$"

# Decimal notation, math-delimited
format_decimal(x, digits = 0, big_mark = ",")
#> [1] "$101,300$"

# Unit notation, non-delimited
units(x) <- "Pa"
format_units(x, unit = "hPa")
#> [1] "1013 [hPa]"

which, in an .Rmd or .qmd output document, are rendered using inline R code as

Notation Rendered as
scientific \(1.013 \times 10^{5}\)
engineering \(101.3 \times 10^{3}\)
integer or decimal \(101,300\)
units 1013 [hPa]

Data frame.   Typically rendered as a table. We independently format columns from the water data frame included with formatdown.

# Extract three columns
properties <- water[, .(temp, visc, bulk_mod)]

# Decimal notation
properties[, temp := format_decimal(temp, 1)]

# Power-of-ten notation with fixed exponent
properties[, visc := format_power(visc, set_power = -3)]

# Power-of-ten notation with 3 significant figures
properties[, bulk_mod := format_power(bulk_mod, 3)]

# Unit notation
properties$bulk_mod_GPa <- water$bulk_mod
units(properties$bulk_mod_GPa) <- "Pa"
properties[, bulk_mod_GPa := format_units(bulk_mod_GPa, 3, unit = "GPa")]

# Render in document
  align = "r",
  caption = "Table 1: Properties of water as a function of temperature.",
  col.names = c("Temperature [K]", "Viscosity [Pa-s]", "Bulk modulus [Pa]", "Bulk modulus [GPa]")
Temperature [K] Viscosity [Pa-s] Bulk modulus [Pa] Bulk modulus [GPa]
\(273.1\) \(1.734 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.02 \times 10^{9}\) 2.02 [GPa]
\(283.1\) \(1.310 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.10 \times 10^{9}\) 2.10 [GPa]
\(293.1\) \(1.021 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.18 \times 10^{9}\) 2.18 [GPa]
\(303.1\) \(0.8174 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.25 \times 10^{9}\) 2.25 [GPa]
\(313.1\) \(0.6699 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.28 \times 10^{9}\) 2.28 [GPa]
\(323.1\) \(0.5605 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.29 \times 10^{9}\) 2.29 [GPa]
\(333.1\) \(0.4776 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.28 \times 10^{9}\) 2.28 [GPa]
\(343.1\) \(0.4135 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.25 \times 10^{9}\) 2.25 [GPa]
\(353.1\) \(0.3631 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.20 \times 10^{9}\) 2.20 [GPa]
\(363.1\) \(0.3229 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.14 \times 10^{9}\) 2.14 [GPa]
\(373.1\) \(0.2902 \times 10^{-3}\) \(2.07 \times 10^{9}\) 2.07 [GPa]

Table 1: Properties of water as a function of temperature.


Install from CRAN.


The development version can be installed from GitHub.




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# Detailed test results
test_results <- tinytest::test_package("formatdown")

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