scrappy: A Simple Web Scraper logo

R build status

The goal of scrappy is to provide simple functions to scrape data from different websites for academic purposes.


You can install the released version of scrappy from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


NEWA @ Cornell University

The Network for Environment and Weather Applications at Cornell University. Website:

# Create RSelenium session
rD <- RSelenium::rsDriver(browser = "firefox", port = 4548L, verbose = FALSE)

# Call scrappy
out <- scrappy::newa_nrcc(client = rD$client, 
                          year = 2020, 
                          month = 12, # December
                          station = "gbe", # Geneve (Bejo) station
                          save_file = FALSE) # Don't save output to a CSV file
# Stop server
#> [1] TRUE

Partial output from the previous example:

Date/Time Air Temp (℉) Precip (inches) Leaf Wetness (minutes) RH (%) Wind Spd (mph) Wind Dir (degrees) Solar Rad (langleys) Dewpoint (℉) Station
12/31/2020 23:00 EST 33.1 0 0 82 2.8 264 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 22:00 EST 33.0 0 0 80 3.3 250 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 21:00 EST 32.8 0 0 81 2.6 261 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 20:00 EST 32.5 0 0 84 1.7 277 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 19:00 EST 32.9 0 0 81 2.1 279 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 18:00 EST 33.3 0 0 79 3.0 272 0 28 gbe
12/31/2020 17:00 EST 33.5 0 0 78 3.9 274 1 27 gbe
12/31/2020 16:00 EST 34.1 0 0 74 4.9 272 7 27 gbe
12/31/2020 15:00 EST 33.8 0 0 72 7.1 277 8 26 gbe
12/31/2020 14:00 EST 34.4 0 0 70 7.9 276 13 26 gbe